Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Literature Part 1 - Book Review on the book "Clever Katya"

Story Book Title : Clever Katya
Story Retold By : Julia Donaldson
Illustrated By : Jane Kochnewitz
Publisher : Ginn

Book Summary
This story book titled "Clever Katya" is a retelling of a story of a beautiful and clever farmer's daughter named Katya. The story "Clever Katya" is an old Russian folk tale.

The main characters in this story are Katya and the Czar who is the King of Russia. Katya is a clever girl while the Czar thinks he is the cleverest person in Russia.

One day the Czar of Russia met Katya's father and asked for some bread. The Czar loves the tasty bread and asked the farmer who had baked the bread. The farmer told the Czar that Katya had made the bread. The Czar thought that the person who had baked the bread must be clever. In order to prove Katya is clever, the Czar asked Katya to solve three difficult tasks. Katya was able to solve all of them. This makes the Czar to fall in love with her and married her.

Katya made the Czar promised that if he ever gets unhappy with her and asked her to leave the Palace, she must be allowed to take one thing that she loves the most in the Palace. One day the Czar was unhappy and Katya took away the Czar in a chest brought him back to her home. When the Czar woke up he was annoyed at Katya. Katya reminded the Czar of his promise. The Czar finally realised that Katya was a clever person and made him very happy. The Czar realised that Katya love the Czar and not his riches.

The part I like the most in this story is when Katya reminded the Czar about his promise. I like this part because this part makes me laugh and made the Czar realised that he wasn't the cleverest person in Russia.
The lesson that I learn from this book is that we should never think that we the cleverest person in this world. Even we are clever and be humble. Another lesson I learn is that we must accept a person as she or he is and not for their status or for their riches.
Between the range of 0 to 5 I would rate this book at 5 because the book is an interesting read. It also give good moral advice. It uses simple words and easy to understand.

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